For the love of fiber....farming

As a fiber farmer in the Hudson Valley, my journey has been one of passion, dedication, and a deep-rooted love for the land and its animals.

Over the years, I have witnessed a remarkable shift in the fashion industry, as designers have begun to recognize the importance of sustainability and ethical practices.

Small Farm Farming

My small farm has always been a labor of love, focusing on producing high-quality fibers while prioritizing the well-being of our animals. Hudson Valley Style Magazine- Revitalization of Small Scale Farming

We believe in treating our sheep, llamas, alpacas, pygora goats and other animals with care and respect, providing them with a nurturing environment to thrive in. Our land is not just a resource; it is a living entity that we strive to protect and preserve.

Hudson Valley Textile Project

We are members of The HV Textile Project, a community of farmers, dyers, millers, designers, makers, distributors, and retailers who have come together to share their knowledge and resources around fiber. Recently, they published their first magazine called Common Threads with a focus on sustainable sheep farming and fabric production in the Hudson Valley region. HV Textile Project- Fall Publication/Common Threads. We were excited to have one our yarns selected for an article, reflecting versatility and sustainability in product develop.

HV Textile Project sees the value in locally sourced materials and the stories they tell through their blogs and podcasts HV Textile Blogs & Podcasts highlighting the many aspects of the regional textile economy in the Hudson Valley..

Key elements of partnerships and collaborations

Through partnerships, we have witnessed the slow fashion movement gaining momentum. Designers have become advocates for conscious consumption, using ours and other small farms fibers to create garments that not only look beautiful but also have a positive impact on the planet.

Our fibers have become a symbol of sustainability, reminding people of the importance of supporting local farmers and choosing ethically sourced materials.

It fills my heart with joy to see the influence many of our small fiber farms provide far beyond the Hudson Valley. Designers from all corners of the world now seek out similar partnerships with local farmers, embracing the values of sustainability and ethical practices. Together, we are reshaping the fashion industry, one garment at a time.

Connecting and Learning

As a fiber farmer, I am proud to be a part of this movement. I am proud to contribute to a more sustainable future, where the well-being of animals and the environment are prioritized. Our farm is not just a place where fibers are grown; it is a place where dreams are woven, where creativity flourishes, and where the beauty of nature is celebrated.

As a first generation farmer, any spare moments are spent researching and learning for continue product advancement. Spectrum News- How New York female farmers connect and learn

Hope and Inspiration

The story of our fiber farm is one of hope and inspiration. It is a testament to the power of collaboration and the impact that small, conscious choices can have on the world. As we continue on this journey, we are filled with gratitude for the designers who have embraced our fibers and the consumers who have embraced the slow fashion movement. Together, we are creating a more sustainable and beautiful world.

Enjoy a recent interview with Backyard Green Film Interview- Clover Brooke Farm and myself (Andrea Parent-Tibbetts) regarding the challenge of sustainability and the importance of diversification.
